Baker street Courtesan Precess Fitness From bed…lol
A diary from Yoyo…as you might know, Yoyo got Covid last week, don’t worry , she is recovery and doing fine right now:
Hi, I am 10 days into recovery! Wow, I am surviving this lol. It has been hard, especially the first week. Now its much better, although I am always tired, which I suspect has something to do with the medications I am taking. I get something done everyday so not to feel like a whole day had been waisted, and to knock off the list of things to get done, but still, it is all at a slow pace. Stuck in Baker street yeah, but not much of a Courtesan for now!
The good thing is that I am resting a lot, which I needed anyway, and I am getting a whole lot of things done, which I have been meaning to do in the last year. On the other hand I am a little bored, and the fact that I cannot exercise kills me, especially considering how well I was doing prior the operation. Believe it or not, I did 1 and half hour for 3 days consecutively, until the day of the operation. imagine what the body of this London Girl began to look like!
This morning I wake up at 6am and had a little wonder around the flat and looked out of the window to smell fresh morning air (I love it), and then I decided to weight myself out of curiosity, just to see the impact of this recovery on the body of this mean Baker street Escort, perfect to be lol. I could not believe it when I realized I have lost some weight. I guess all the ice cream eating did not compensate for my very little eating.
Here the plan of this focused escort…..temporarily stuck in Baker street for recovery lol; once I will be allowed to train again, I will try to get right back to where I was training wise, just before the operation to shock my body. Why shock it? The body responds to shocks, meaning that if you do the same thing over a period of time, exercise wise, the body stops improving because it gets used to the routine, but if you keep doing new things all the time, the body is taken by surprise every single time and therefore you achieve your goal much quicker. Take the word of this training expert Kensington Escort word, because I know when it comes to training trust me!
So, I shocked my body with a lot of running and tennis, then with the operation and consequently giving my body less food but a lot of rest, then by going right back to the routine I was on just before the operation (training wise of course) I should create an additional shock to my body which should lead me to loose the 2Kg which are in between me and eternal happiness looool. You must think I am mad :)
As a recovering Baker street escort, I am sharing this with you, because I want you to know that if you think it is difficult for you to train because you cannot sustain a fixed routine, you need to reevaluate. To change all the time and do different things even at different times of the day is the best! So don’t use it as an excuse and get on with it. A healthy body means a healthy mind!
at last, my lateset photo…

Yoyo’s Photo…at her baker street apartment
Yoyo xxx…