Yoyo is back!
Here I am again….your fav Girlfriend Experience Courtesan is alive!!!!! lol.
How am I doing? How are you doing first of all? Having a great time some where nice perhaps with a beach, and incredible sea? So wish I was there!
It has been a difficult week really. The first 5 days I just slept…..no seriously, I literally slept almost 24/7 for 5 days! I would set the alarm for my medications (several times per day), medicate, force myself to eat something, even if only a spoon of yogurt, and then back to bed until the alarm would ring again. I did try to stay awake and watch something on TV, but believe me, I would be at sleep before even deciding what to watch. I fell asleep seated, wile eating, on the toilet….get the picture? it was crazy how much I slept, and it wasn’t voluntary. I simply could not keep myself awake for more than a few minutes. I don’t know whether it was the operation/anesthetic, or if the medications where so strong they knocked me out. whatever it was tho, I am so glad, because although I experienced a lot of discomfort and some pain, it is much better to sleep it off than consciously going through it all awake. The doctor must have heard when this GFE Escort on demand said i am a chicken when it comes to physical pain lol. Then I had two days awake during which I have been feeling rather week and therefore did not do anything other than rest and try to eat a bit more.

Yoyo is back now
As a GFE Companion, I wanted to start blogging again yesterday, but I realised the second week medications had been forgotten b the nurse and so I had to sort that out as the pain started building up again. 5 hours later I finally had new set of meds, but it took time for the whole new medication routine to settle and that also gave me a rather uncomfortable night, with very little sleep and a lot of pain. Thankfully from this morning new meds kicked in and i am now good to blog lol. Wow, what a journey he! Not easy to be the cute and happy little GFE Courtesan you know me to be!
So what now? Good question, actually very good question. a lot if I may say so. from today I am planing to get back to work, not as a GFE Courtesan in action (you wish lol), but more behind the seen as to getting things done in the flat that have been waiting for ages, and catch up with my website, blog again, but most of all something super important you should know is that I am working on two more projects which you may find of interest….this is why I am teasing you by only letting you know I am stewing something, but not telling what lol. Love to teas, you know that!
Once I will feel I have done enough for the day I will also take myself for a walk, as I have not left the flat in a week, can you believe it, in a week! Time for me to take the sunshine outside of my flat as your still recovering cute little GFE Companion.
Shall share more soon! Coz I am back!!